Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Response to Way of the Clay's "A Light at the Tunnel (Not the End) "

It wouldn't send to Jeff's email cause he's a school teacher from the city of (New York) Whittier...and apparently email sometimes gets blocked due to content. WTF is that all about?

F me,

That's what I like to say. Leaving work today afforded me another opportunity to look on the dark side. Let's face it, sitting in rush hour traffic for over twice the time I had before moving isn't exactly fucking bright or enlightening or whatever. It's developing one of my stronger qualities...cause deep down I'm a really big asshole, as if you didn't already know that. All I live for is to bring that inner me, that thing I can only feel when thinking to myself, the shit I do behind your back...ahhh, I mean...integrity stuff, bring it all out. Spill it. It's not that bad...or is it?I mean really....in this day in age (whatever the fuck that means), why don't we have cars (or not cars) with magnets or something? They could magnetize together when going straight down the road becoming, in a sense, railroad cars that are always moving, working together, but never stopping or going 15 mph next to a sign that says 55 MPH. Don't get me wrong, there's a certain release that is accomplished in vocalizing the frustration to the interior of my car, "Seriously...stopping....really....Come...ON!" cause I can't figure that out. Why the fuck would you need to stop?

The magnet would also have to work to repel as a safety feature in order to keep from crashing which I could then also minipulate to bounce off the incompotent and incapable driver's cars to truly show my appreciation of sharing the road with all that talent.

I'm not sure what's on the road ahead of me, but I can see the fuckin road and I can get there faster when I'm able to remove the speedbump-like drivers. I'm so anti-fuckin' speedbump. I'm going to a halloween bash or two tomorrow as Wolverine. All those highway magnets just wouldn't work....although I could stand to take a great big motorcycle going the long way around, exceeding both speed limit and reason; A real ball builder.

I tried that today with the Murderbu sans excessive speeding but it backfired and the drive took longer than it's ever taken. And that's why I'm here, keeping myself from walking my own edge. My consulation prize, I'm reminding myself, is that the costume will work. I'll get my ass kicked so they can see if I heal. It's a true power (that I don't have....only the lamb chops, wild hair, and cigar) that inspires a risk taker or at the least, a life liver. It begs the question, when's the last time you've tested the limits? And so it goes sitting in a traffic jam of blank thoughts and bad driving.

Time for a beer to make me hoppy. Don't laugh at that. Just working on my utopian mindset super power.


10-4, niner

1 comment:

  1. What's Up Lamb Chop,
    Seems like you might need to make friends with your arch-nemesis Magneto for some urban transportation planning. That pic of you (both pics actually, including the title) are priceless.

    Keep pounding those keys,
