Friday, October 17, 2008

The Least I Can Do

Upon examination, half of what I say no longer makes sense. People get the jist of it though. They know the lingo. Read between the lines and all that. But really?....R E A L L Y? Same difference .? Love you to death? Anyway, I stopped myself recently with "It's the least I can do". Why is this an appropriate response for something, anything? Maybe we all need some real "tough love" to open our eyes.

Truth is, I could do more. So could you. But we're held back for one reason or another and mostly I blame myself (cause it's the least I can do) It's like we're all waiting for a ride there, the next wagon to jump on. And if we could, we'd rather someone else take the ride for us. But we hesitate to even make the call, go hungry for awhile, before taking the great pain to even call... for something as small as pizza delivery. We'd rather starve than have to make that call. We'll wait to see if someone else will make the call first. Fall to hunger pangs, conceding to expending the energy, the great sacrifice. Why the struggle? It goes unexplained under the guise of disconcern, "I just don't want to." The pizza's not that good. If there's a mistake, the caller is somehow linked. It's not worth the money. Selling out to the idea that you can't make pizza better for cheaper or that it's just too much time and work. It's the least you can do....? Until the pizza arrives and everyone is ravenously huddled around the box waiting for it to be opened commencing the grabfest.

It's merely an opinion but a small sense of urgency would go a long way. If you feel it will come in the afterlife, than get there. It's one thing to wait for your set of waves but it's another thing to drift into shore not having ridden.

And when I look back at the footprints in the sand to see just one set, I know how they got there.....I carried my dumb ass after a real good hard ride!